Personal Trainers, Planet Fitness is a gym for the masses with more than 2,300 locations worldwide, creating a judgement free zone for members by stocking clubs with light strength equipment that allows them to work at their own pace and without grunting or heavy lifting, or other behaviors which might intimidate new gymgoers.
Planet Fitness may not offer personal trainers, but they do provide group fitness sessions such as boot camp, circuit training and plyometrics that offer full body workouts without spending a lot of money. Group fitness also gives members an opportunity to meet other people with similar goals and challenges.
If you’re ready to join a group fitness class, sign up at your local Planet Fitness. They will ask you to complete a simple form that outlines both cost and schedule details of their classes; those with Black Card memberships can bring one guest as they work out free-of-charge!
Since 1992, Planet Fitness has opened over 2,300 locations worldwide and pride themselves on offering low-cost and user-friendly facilities that pride themselves as “Judgement Free Zones”. They pride themselves on having rules and regulations designed to keep members safe and comfortable, such as having an alarm that deters grunting when dropping weights as well as restricting certain forms of lifting. They also abide by a no-judgment policy which prompts members who judge other members or intimidate them out of the gym immediately.
Planet Fitness is an excellent option for people just beginning to workout or who don’t have much money to dedicate to gym memberships. They are open 24-hours so workouts can easily fit into anyone’s day – they have treadmills, elliptical machines and stationary bikes; their lower-body cardio machines may even help those experiencing knee or back discomfort!
Planet Fitness is known for their clean, modern facilities and friendly staff, and they offer various membership plans that suit individual needs and budgets.
Planet Fitness offers budget-conscious gym members several membership options at their gym, from a basic no-committment membership to its Black Card membership which comes with additional perks and advantages. Planet Fitness caters to people of all budgets looking for convenient workout spaces at competitive rates – each membership type offering its own set of advantages.
Each location offers its own distinct amenities, but all share basic equipment such as treadmills and elliptical machines as well as weightlifting equipment like Smith machines. Furthermore, they have Roman chairs, lat pull downs, assisted pull up machines as well as free weight benches available to them.
The gym features a “Lunk Alarm,” intended to deter unnecessary and loud lifting that might intimidate other members, and has implemented a dress code requiring members to wear appropriate workout attire such as workout shorts or sandals; certain locations also ban certain movements like deadlifting and overhead presses.
Planet Fitness differs from other gyms by not offering personal trainers or group classes; instead they have employees available to answer questions. Furthermore, there are free fitness videos both online and in their gym that you can watch anytime you like!
If you’re in search of personal training services near you, fitpros provides licensed, insured and vetted trainers to meet all your needs. Their trainers can assist with devising an in-depth fitness plan incorporating nutrition and supplementation that will help reach your fitness goals more quickly.
Planet Fitness may not be suitable for everyone, but it could be ideal for some. Its non-intimidating atmosphere and low prices make it the perfect place for first-time gym goers who don’t want to pay too much money – unlike some other gyms which may charge hidden fees and be opaque about costs of services provided.
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